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LaverdaForum Android app Laverdaforum-1.0.4.apk

No permission to download
Here is a simple Android webview application which I just built. It opens Laverdaforum in full screen mode. Just download Laverdaforum-1.0.3.apk file from link below and install the app to your Android device. The app is easy to use, just open it – log in and you’re all set. You are also able to download and upload files. The app will ask permission to use your local storage/camera.

Note! The apk-file is not available from play store, so you’ll need to grant your mobile a permission to install from “unknown source”, that is the file you downloaded.

There’s nothing unsecure about the app. It just isn’t an official release from Google's Play store. The app is fully functional and as said earlier, it is a webview app which loads a specific url, in this case

Here are the key features:

  • when you open the app, it loads the forum instantly, no need to write address or use bookmarks
  • the view is in full screen mode, so nothing is taking space from actual contents
  • woks both in portrait and landscape view
  • zoom in/out
  • open internal/external links
  • app opens email app if email link is pressed
  • app opens phone app if tel link is pressed
  • app opens whatsapp if whatsapp link is pressed
  • app downloads files if download link is pressed
  • upload files from phones storage or even photos directly from camera
  • (download/upload needs permission to use phone storage/camera)
  • floating button (always visible) to close the app
So, basic stuff.

And finally, the app doesn’t collect or send any data to anybody. It uses cache, as all apps do, but that is only for quicker browsing. No need to load the same content over and over again.


6 June 2021 - file updated to 1.0.3

Now it respects your phone settings; if screen orientation is unlocked – both portrait and landscape view are working. If screen orientation is locked to portrait – the app stays in portrait mode even if device is turned to landscape position (+ there’s a small icon to activate landscape mode if you want to).

7 June 2021 - file updated to 1.0.4

Here is an updated version; LaverdaForum-1.0.4
  • moved the exit button slightly to the left, now it doesn’t conflict with anything
  • added a splashscreen to app startup
This may be considered the final version.
First release
Last update
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