In honor of the upcoming Holloween here is Stairway to Heaven backwards. Hail Satan!
Now you are in the realm of the gifted and then some, Tony. Not for all i know, yet would rate Les as my top electric slap bass player, bit partial to slapping the 6 string basses here, hard slapping a fretless, sort of, but different... j
....... Les Claypool`s vocal and bass playing dexterity knows no bounds ....... and then he combines the two ........
Guitarist Larry LaLonde and drummer Tim Alexander provide faultless technical backup ........ Some fat bloke joins in at the end ........
"....Give me that jingly jangly intro please..." yes thats the one... sort a lyric for it, what about we talk it through, and a bit of bbbbapty bap... BV's...sorted... slide bass, perfect, vibraphone like touch.... now we have a happy sock....grin jIn the theatre of great musicianship and the Elvis costume on the Dread Zeppelin singer brought this old favourite to mind, Jon.
Wot say some Curved Air Tony?.... your a bit clever at digging up the notable if not obscure...a smile here, j