music in the shed

You have to have some circumspect respect for decking a granny and then head twirling across the road..... dude , dont call me dude, yes i hate that too... musicianship at another level...

speaking of aliens on earth, these two are of the planets not near, there is a clip of Harvey with Tori, see what can be found... 3 gals of the female crumpet class, mind and body, in either order. j


.... mentioned The Kinks being on the same edition of Later as Belly , so here they are .........

Think I have put this on before , but it was a long time ago ..... a bit like June 1993 really ....... You can`t beat finishing with a good scissor jump ......

....... Les Claypool`s vocal and bass playing dexterity knows no bounds ....... and then he combines the two ........

Guitarist Larry LaLonde and drummer Tim Alexander provide faultless technical backup ........ Some fat bloke joins in at the end ........
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....... Les Claypool`s vocal and bass playing dexterity knows no bounds ....... and then he combines the two ........

Guitarist Larry LaLonde and drummer Tim Alexander provide faultless technical backup ........ Some fat bloke joins in at the end ........
Now you are in the realm of the gifted and then some, Tony. Not for all i know, yet would rate Les as my top electric slap bass player, bit partial to slapping the 6 string basses here, hard slapping a fretless, sort of, but different... j
In the theatre of great musicianship and the Elvis costume on the Dread Zeppelin singer brought this old favourite to mind, Jon.
"....Give me that jingly jangly intro please..." yes thats the one... sort a lyric for it, what about we talk it through, and a bit of bbbbapty bap... BV's...sorted... slide bass, perfect, vibraphone like touch.... now we have a happy sock....grin j

..... Penetration cover Buzzcocks "Nostalgia " ......

Takes more than sunshine to make everything fine
I feel like I`m trapped in the middle of time
With this constant feeling of nostalgia for an age yet to come

... ( Original Buzzcock lyric not included in this version ) ......

Pete Shelley ........ Truly the greatest poet of his generation ......... :) ..............
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Ian was the catalyst for me taking up flute, when i saw them on tour. 'though talking and blowing a flute same is a skill not, maybe when i am 80yo..j
.... and Easy Rider movie actress Toni Basil does Devo`s " Be Stiff " .......... Most of Devo play on the recorded version of this ( not in the video ) , including her then boyfriend Gerald Casale ........

.... her best known hit " Mickey " , was a cover of " Kitty " , by Racey ..... who hailed from my nearby seaside town of Weston Super Mare ......
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